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contemporary composers that will write or have written for De Swaen:

Des McNutty | Silvan Loher | Balthasar Streiff | Hoite Pruiksma | Fabian Müller

Lecosaldi | Daniel Glatzel |


Hoite Pruiksma

Hoite Pruiksma wrote a new composition for our programme in May 2010.
Hoite Pruiksma about his composition: "Sneeuw is composition in which we as listeners sneak into the thoughts of someone who is walking in the snow and who connects his or her thoughts with fragments of Bach's Matthew Passion. The music is written in a contemporary musical language for baroque instruments with their specific sounds and styles. Sneeuw is dedicated to text writer and singer Jelle Draijer."

We performed Sneeuw for the first time in the Broerekerk in Bolsward, conducted by Rob Vermeulen.

bolsward_1 bolsward_2

pictures made by Lukáš Zeman